Brand Guidelines

Primary color

This is the main color of Prosys OPC.

Prosys Blue
CMYK: 100, 85, 37, 27
RGB: 17, 52, 94
HEX: #11345E

Secondary colors

These colors can be used to complement the blue.

Prosys Green
CMYK: 79, 31, 52, 8
RGB: 51, 131, 125
HEX: #33837D

Secondary Blue
CMYK: 100, 80, 9, 0
RGB: 0, 76, 151
HEX: #004C97

Dark Blue
CMYK: 98, 85, 42, 42
RGB: 23,41,74
HEX: #17294a

Accent Pink
CMYK: 6, 100, 11, 0
RGB: 224, 9, 128
HEX: #E00980

Prosys OPC Logo

Prosys Ball Logo