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OPC Day International 2022 - All Presentations


The OPC Foundation has hosted OPC Day events since 2011. Since 2020, the events went online and the OPC Day International 2022 was the greatest OPC Day event ever with 5 days of programme from experts around the world sharing their experiences and visions around the usage and possibilities opened by OPC UA.

I gathered quick links to all the presentations that are now online, for you to easily watch, even if you were not able to attend the presentations online. The PDFs for this and the previous events are availalbe from this page.



Day 1 - Keynotes

  • Introduction by Stefan Hoppe, President, OPC Foundation

  • Challenges of the energy tranformation by Espen Krogh, CEO Prediktor (22 mins)
    The Energy Transition and Europe’s Energy Crisis urges us to agree upon industrial standards to use in the energy segment. OPC UA is an enabler for this to happen.

  • Northern Lights Digital CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Value Chain by Erik Skjetne, equinor and Kadri Umay, Microsoft (28 mins)
    Topics adressed during presentation:
    1. Background on need for CCS and background on Northern Lights
    2. Digital value chain of the emerging CCS value chain
    3. OPC UA in the digital backbone
    4. Call for action building a CCS companion spec
  • OPC UA @ IN-Campus by Rainer Strobel, PGMM and Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Möhl, LEA Lean Energy Services (26 mins)
    Enabling innovative energy supply and operation concepts using OPC UA at the IN-Campus in Ingolstadt. Harmonization and optimized use of current and future regenerative technologies in a secure and expandable information network applying OPC UA.

  • OPC Foundation Keynote by Stefan Hoppe, President, OPC Foundation (50 mins)

Day 2 - Technology Updates

  • Introduction to Day 2

  • Security ECC - Why does it matter? by Randy Armstrong, OPC Foundation (20 mins)
    • Limitations of RSA
    • Device onboarding and ECC
    • Important differences between OPC UA with RSA and OPC UA with ECC
  • Security: Update of the IT-Security study on OPC UA by Jens Cordt, BSI Germany (23 mins)
    • Review of the 2016 study
    • Goals of the new study
    • Results and implications for developers & users
  • Cloud: MQTT - Topic Trees , Metadata and the UA Cloud Library by Randy Armstrong, OPC Foundation (30 mins)
    • Introduction to recommended OPC UA MQTT topic tree;
    • How to link PubSub messages to the rich UA information model;
    • The relationship between OPC UA over MQTT and the UA Cloud Library
  • Field: Extending OPC UA to the field level: status and roadmap by Peter Lutz, OPC Foundation (30 mins)
    • OPC UA FX (Field eXchange) – Specification Update & Key concepts
      • Automation Components – how are they modelled and how do they communicate
      • The role of the Connection Manager & Offline Descriptors
      • Networking with and without Ethernet TSN
      • What features does a UAFX Controller support
    • UAFX Multi-Vendor Demos
      • Controller-to-Controller (C2C)
      • UAFX over TSN
    • OPC UA Safety
      • Specification Update
      • Safety Test Tool & Safety Stack
    • Further Roadmap
      • Transition to Specification Version 2 for the use cases Controller-to-Device (C2D) incl. Device-to-Device (D2D)

Day 3 - Information Modeling and Collaboration

  • Introduction to Day 3

  • Overview on collaborations, rules to start new joint working groups by Stefan Hoppe, President, OPC Foundation (20 mins)

  • Digital Transformation of the Lab through LADS and CAISI Companion Specs by Dr. Matthias Arnold, CEO AixEnginners and Heiko Fessenmayr, Agilent (30 mins)
    • LADS standardizes communication of wide range of different lab instrumentation.
    • CAISI will specialize on integrating analytical instrument systems into analytical data systems (e.g chromatography data systems).
    • LADS and CAISI are collaborating to bring the digital transformation of the lab to a new level.
    • LADS focuses on device centric use-cases such as remote monitoring & control, program & results management and remote service & maintenance.
    • CAISI will initially focus on control for Liquid Chromatography (LC), Gas Chromatography (GC), and associated detectors including single quad mass spectrometer (MS) for standardized integration into their data systems.
    • LADS and CAISI are driven by major laboratory and analytical instrumentation solution providers and end users as well as leading worldwide associations.
  • Relative positioning of objects in a 3D space with OPC UA by Suprateek Banerjee, VDMA (20 mins)
    Think of the multitude of scenarios when you would want to trigger an action based on the exact position (in 3D space) of a certain moving part of your system e.g. collaboration of a robotic arm with an inspection system based on a position in 3D space. The RSL harmonization working group has defined a model with the help of which you can describe the relative positions of all the objects of interest in your system with respect to a base frame of reference for that system.

  • Seamless positioning in production and logistics: Harmonized understand of XYZ coordinates across OPC UA companion specs by Dr. Matthias Jöst, Heidelberg-mobil (Lead omlox association) (26 mins)
    • Use case example from production and logistics
    • Overview of the related Companion-Specs – how it is defined there so far.
    • Why is positioning on a global scale a challenge (geo-referencing & projections)
    • Announcement of the new working group & Call for Participation
  • UA for Machinery - Cross domain interoperability brought to reality by Heiko Herden, VDMA (21 mins)
    In OPC UA for Machinery, interface contents are standardized in a harmonized way. Learn how to ensure a unique identification of the machine by using the parameters inherited from Part 100:Devices. In addition, you will learn how state machines are used to evaluate the machine status in order to enable industry-specific extensions.

  • Scheduling actions in your OPC UA Server by Dr. Wolfgang Mahnke, Unified Automation (17 mins)
    Schedule your weekly machine report, the next time your device will be calibrated or when to turn on and off your heating using the new OPC UA information model “Part 24: Scheduler”. This extensible model provides a weekly schedule as well as specific schedules on specific dates (like public holidays).

  • Common model to manage assets with OPC UA by Dr. Wolfgang Mahnke, Unified Automation (17 mins)
    Asset management is a common application when considering OPC UA and many companion specifications address it. The harmonization working group has created a common model for asset management (Part 110) that can be used as base by companion specifications for various use cases in asset management. This allows clients to access information on assets of various domains in a common manner.

Day 4 - Technology Updates and Use Cases

Day 5 - How To?

  • Introduction to Day 5

  • Migration towards a unified solution by Darek Kominek, Matrikon (7 mins)
    In today’s IoT era, businesses need an open, secure, and sustainable way to facilitate enterprise-wide OT data access. Find out how OPC UA meets this need and what it can do for you.

  • Brownfield: Gateway/Aggregator by Darek Kominek, Matrikon (8 mins)
    Discover how OPC UA enables companies to modernize their data infrastructures cleanly, sustainably, and cost-effectively]() by adopting new data components while extending the life of their existing assets.

  • IT/OT convergence with OPC UA by Jouni Aro, Prosys OPC (9 mins)
    Enterprise-wide data connectivity is not a one-transport-fits-all environment. Discover how OPC UA’s native support for multiple transport types makes it a perfect fit for use throughout the enterprise and cloud communications.

  • OPC UA Client/Server (TCP) vs. Publisher/Subscriber (MQTT, UDP) by Jouni Aro, Prosys OPC (9 mins)
    How does the new OPC UA PubSub model differ from the traditional Client/Server model, and what the pros and cons of each.

  • How to import an information model into my OPC UA server? by Darek Kominek, Matrikon (7 mins)
    OPC UA-enabled software enables you to do more than just transfer data; it enables you to tailor the context of your source data]() by importing information models via Companion Specifications and mapping to them.

  • Alias names by Alexander Allmendinger, OPC Foundation (6 mins)
    With an ever deeper view into the shop floor, the number of OPC UA items available across a plant or enterprise is rapidly growing. Learn how OPC UA Aliases makes finding just the right items easier.

  • Security Built In – everywhere by Christopher Anhalt, Softing (9 mins)
    Growing dependency on automation data throughout the enterprise makes securing data communications essential. Learn how OPC UA thoroughly addresses such security requirements using multiple security mechanisms.

  • Firewall Traversal with Reverse Connect by Darek Kominek, Matrikon (7 mins)
    A key challenge to enterprise-wide OT data sharing is how to traverse firewalls securely. Learn how OPC UA applications solve this issue using OPC UA Reverse Connect.

  • Certificate management by Alexander Allmendinger, OPC Foundation (12 mins)
    Security begins with ensuring that trusted components are communicating with each other. Find out how OPC UA takes care of this efficiently using certificates between components or via certificate authorities.

  • Global Discovery Server (GDS) by Jouni Aro, Prosys OPC (9 mins)
    OPC UA is designed for scalability across the enterprise. Learn how OPC UA makes it easy to find and work with many OPC UA servers dispersed throughout the enterprise using the Global Discovery Server (GDS).

  • Scanrate vs. Publishrate by Uwe Steinkrauss, Unified Automation (13 mins)
    OPC UA is designed to operate in diverse OT and IT environments. As such, OPC UA differentiates between data scan rates and publish rates. Find out why this matters and how it helps optimize communications.

  • Choosing Polling vs. Reporting by exception by Uwe Steinkrauss, Unified Automation (11 mins)
    To best accommodate real-world scenarios, OPC UA provides two methods for determining when an OPC UA server sends data updates to OPC UA clients. Learn the difference between polling and reporting]() by exception and when to use them.

  • Deadband: Reduce Traffic by Alexander Allmendinger, OPC Foundation (7 mins)
    OPC UA Deadband functionality serves as an effective method for controlling how much data an OPC UA server sends to subscribed OPC UA clients. Learn when and how to take advantage of this function.

  • Automatic reconnection and data consistency by Jouni Aro, Prosys OPC (10 mins)
    OPC UA applications can employ different data loss prevention mechanisms in the event of connection breaks that last for a few seconds or much longer durations. Get a quick overview of those mechanisms and when each of them is best used.

Jouni Aro profile photo

Jouni Aro

Chief Technology Officer

Email: jouni.aro@prosysopc.com

Expertise and responsibility areas: OPC & OPC UA product development, project work and customer support

Tags: Events, OPC UA, IoT, OPC Day, PlugAndProduce, PubSub, MQTT, Cloud

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About Prosys OPC Ltd

Prosys OPC is a leading provider of professional OPC software and services with over 20 years of experience in the field. OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are communications standards used especially by industrial and high-tech companies.

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