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Application for Handling Recipes for Chemical Processes


Prosys OPC designed and developed with Adpap a recipe handling application, which is used to manage the recipes of chemical processes.


The ADrecipe application takes use of the ISA S88 Batch standard and provides a web browser based user interface for defining the ingredients, production units and process cells of a chemical plant. The users can define master and control recipes and load them to the Adpap production system from any computer in the factory. The system also provides production and consumption reports of finished batches and continuous production.

adpap menu screen

Built on Prosys Sentrol

The implementation is based on Delphi and Prosys Sentrol, a leading SDK (software development kit) for OPC client, server and application development. Intraweb was used in connection with Delphi to implement the web user interfaces in a RAD (Rapid Application Development) way and to support full object-oriented design of the application data.

adpap production unit screen

The visual style of the user interfaces is designed using pure CSS styles. JavaScript is used to provide client-side functionality in the user interfaces, such as quick sorting and filtering of different list views. Other tools that have been used include ModelMaker for UML design, FinalBuilder for project build automation, Subversion for version control and MySQL for the database backend.

adpap recipes screen

About OPC

The development and first pilot of ADrecipe was performed using ABB Freelance process control system. ADrecipe can be connected with different automation systems using OPC technology, which is a vendor neutral interoperability standard used especially by technology and industrial companies.

Prosys has solid expertise in both database and user interface design. These skills combined with the latest OPC technology resulted in state-of the-art system design – which Prosys also implemented very productively.

Peter Hartman

What is OPC?

OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are industry standards that enable software to connect devices, machines and systems from different manufacturers using same interface.

Read more about OPC UA »

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