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OPC and OPC UA Technology Training for an Energy Company


Helen is one of Finland's largest energy companies, and they utilize OPC solutions provided by different vendors. OPC is an open standard for data transfer used especially by the technology industry, and it enables connecting devices and systems by different manufacturers. Use of the new OPC UA technology enables secure data transfer in all platforms and networks and use of OPC UA based solutions is expected to increase in many industries. Prosys organized a customized training for Helen, including hands-on exercises which complemented the theoretical parts.

Customized Training

Since the significance of OPC and OPC UA technology continuously increases, Helen wanted to increase their expertise and expand it to new organizational levels. Prosys fulfilled this need by organizing customized training considering the following topics:

  • OPC Foundation as the developer of the technology
  • Applications interoperability testing
  • Basics of OPC communication, server types and server configuration
  • DA (Data Access) and UA (Unified Architecture) communications
  • Simulation servers and test clients
  • Tunneling and routing
  • Remote access
  • Security

A major part of the course content was exercises, which helped participants to achieve practical experience of the topics covered in the training. The participants found the training very successful: the training had good feedback grades and especially the trainers’ expertise and course content were given high grades.

Helen device

Helen had a need to learn the basics of OPC technology and update the knowledge to the next generation OPC specification, OPC UA. As a trainer, Prosys was able to provide a training that met our requirements. Within the training our process system specialists gained a good knowledge base and understanding of different OPC technologies, their generations and differences. The trainers could, based on their strong expertise, answer the questions that arose during the training.

Ville Vaittinen
System Specialist, Helen

What is OPC?

OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are industry standards that enable software to connect devices, machines and systems from different manufacturers using same interface.

Read more about OPC UA »

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