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Prosys OPC UA Java SDK 2.0.0 Released


This is a new major release of the Prosys OPC UA Java SDK, which contains several major changes and new features. Existing applications built against SDK 1.x will require modification work to get compiled with this new version.

The SDK is based on the new 1.02 version of the Java Stack. This conforms to the OPC UA 1.02 specifications. Main new features of the stack are support for HTTPS protocol and SecurityProfile.BASIC256SHA256 security profile. The stack also enables alternative security libraries, instead of the fixed Bouncy Castle. This was done using standard Java APIs (JCE) instead of Bouncy Castle’s API (meaning Bouncy Castle is now just another security provider).

The stack is now using the standard Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) framework for enabling the selection of security library that is used (via SecurityProvider). The main consequence is that since the standard security policy in the JCE allows a maximum of 128-bit encryption algorithms, you must install the “JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files” into the JRE to enable 256- bit security. The downloads are available for JRE6, JRE7 and JRE8.

The SDK has also been taken through the Compliance Test Tool and it passes all the tests except for a few cases. We will continue improving the compliance still to get a fully compliant SDK.

The SDK now includes a code generation tool which generates Java classes from types defined in NodeSet2.xml files. The generated code contains getters and setters for child variables and objects. Methods can be implemented and called. Custom structures and enumerations can be used. Generated code can be used on both client- and server-side, although only getters are implemented on the client-side.

New types include the FileType, which enables File Transfer over OPC UA. The SDK introduces a FileNodeManager and FileSyncClient for working with those.

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About Prosys OPC Ltd

Prosys OPC is a leading provider of professional OPC software and services with over 20 years of experience in the field. OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are communications standards used especially by industrial and high-tech companies.

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