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Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java 4.6.0 Released


We have released a new version of the Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java.

This is a new minor release of the SDK. It includes improvements to client side reconnection mechanisms and improvements to the PubSub functionality. This release also features some changes to default behavior of Client and Server applications.

The Server SDK and the Code Generator now use the Base OPC UA Information Model NodeSet file version 1.04.9. If you have generated code for information models, they should be regenerated as well to accommodate these changes.

UaClient now treats all Bad (and Uncertain) StatusCodes for ServerStatus as indications of communication errors that trigger reconnecting to the Server. Previously a prefixed set of codes was only used, leading to situations where reconnection was not functioning as expected. Reverting back to previous behavior is possible by calling static UaClient.setUseCommErrorCodes(true).

UaServer now binds to wildcard IP addresses ([::] or by default. It also sends ServiceFault messages instead of normal ServiceResponse messages in case of errors, to conform with the OPC UA specification.

PubSubSystem can now be used in Client applications in addition to Server applications. Also, MQTT JSON is now supported for Subscribers, completing the base support for all UDP-UADP, MQTT-UADP and MQTT-JSON transport profiles as defined in the OPC UA Specifications.

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About Prosys OPC Ltd

Prosys OPC is a leading provider of professional OPC software and services with over 20 years of experience in the field. OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are communications standards used especially by industrial and high-tech companies.

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