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University of Antwerp demonstrates Prosys OPC UA SDK in batch process management


The Electromechanics (EM) research group linked to the University of Antwerp (formerly Artesis Hogeschool) has a long tradition in supporting manufacturing companies in the field of industrial automation. In 2012 the “Information Modelling in Automation” (IMA) project was started. IMA aims to develop a methodology to exchange data, relevant to production in different types of industries, in a structured way.

At the University’s EM test lab a research team has created a flexible automation proof-of-concept. The setup is a lab-scale version of a soft drink production plant (SMC IPC200). The test setup was successfully demonstrated at the OPC Europe Day 2013 in Amersfoort. The soft drink plant can be easily reconfigured to produce new products. The Prosys OPC UA Client SDK is used in the Easy95 and Android based recipe designers. The PES uses the Prosys OPC UA Server SDK as well as the client SDK.

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Prosys OPC is a leading provider of professional OPC software and services with over 20 years of experience in the field. OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are communications standards used especially by industrial and high-tech companies.

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