Product Certification

We provide customer specific testing and consulting to improve software and systems up to different certification levels of the OPC Foundation.

Certification and compliance program exists to help vendors develop and provide high quality OPC and OPC UA products that meet specified operability requirements.

By the OPC Foundation’s definition, OPC Certified products are:

  • Compliant with the OPC specifications
  • Interoperable with OPC products from other vendors
  • Robust, reliable and able to recover from lost communications
  • Usable, by following universally accepted best-practices
  • Efficient in managing resources such as CPU, memory and disk space

Any OPC UA client or server can be certified by the OPC Foundation and these products can be either software or hardware based. In either case you can get help and guidance from our experts, who have completed the procedures for several products.

Prosys OPC provided excellent support for our compliance testing efforts. Their previous experience about compliance testing proved valuable during our product development.

Hyeon Bo, Sim
Smart Factory Solution Team, LG CNS