This is a free stand-alone OPC Classic Server application that you can use to test and demonstrate OPC Classic connections.


  • OPC Data Access (DA) version 1.0A and 2.05 communication
  • Enable connections from any number of OPC Clients, OPC Groups and OPC Items
  • Variables View
  • Connections View
  • Transaction logging (data changes, reads and writes)

The server contains simple variables that simulate OPC data in different waveforms, such as sinusoid, triangle and sawtooth.

OPC Classic Simulation Server logo

Source code

The application comes with source code that can be used to build it together with Prosys Sentrol OPC Classic components.

What is OPC?

OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are industry standards that enable software to connect devices, machines and systems from different manufacturers using same interface.

Read more about OPC UA »

Prosys has solid expertise in both database and user interface design. These skills combined with the latest OPC technology resulted in state-of the-art system design – which Prosys also implemented very productively.

Peter Hartman